Adelaide's first tweed run is set to go off this sunday at 12PM. 'OH NO!' I hear you cry, 'that will clash with polo!'. Yes, yes it will. Fortunately, we're a loving bunch and have extended a warm welcome to the tweed clad gentlefolk who will be finishing their ride at the courts. So if you feel like getting a bit dapper, you're more than welcome to head out on your velocipedes for a gentle jaunt around this fair city. Otherwise, the courts will be setup from 1pm as per usual.
Once the tweedies finish their ride and join us, we'll fire up a bbq (some food provided) and put on a nice pot of complimentary hot tea! We'll also have some beginner only matches, and a few hardcourt clashes to entertain our yesteryear companions.
sweet as, i'm flying back in sunday morning, if i can find something tweedy, i'll be there with bells on. also, it's my last adelaide polo session til next year, so it'd better be a big one!!!! awesome.
I loaded all the photos I have on to the flickr...
In one big lump sum of depositi goodness.
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