Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Terrible Two's Throwup Tournament Day 2 Results

Day Two of the tournament was a variation on a throw up tournament. Each player was assigned to a bracket based on their level of experience and where they came from. A player was selected from each bracket by the 'wheel of misfortune' to form a team. The results of each game were then recorded against each player, with prizes going to the top player from each braket. At the end of the day the scoreboard looked like this:

Dai 4
Canon 4
Smana/Daz/Ian 4
Alex 3
Sammy P 2
Neal 2
Chelsea 1

Adelaide (and Prawi)
Colin 6
Neil/Ben 3
Tom 3
Suede 3
Steph/Clinton 3
Samalama 1
Prawi 1

Damon 6
Little Sam 5
Vive 4
Chris 3
AJ 2
Rob 2
Benee 1

A sausage sizzle and game of footdown followed giving everyone a chance to relax before it was time to find out the tournament champion. Colin and Damon were both undefeated with 6 wins, so in order to decide they each selected a team mate and a 2 v 2 match was held. Damon teamed up with Vive, and Colin with Chris. After an amazing match which had the crowd on the edge of their milk crates, Damon and Vive came out victorious, earning the Damon the tournament title and the wondrous mallet of amazing awesomeness.

A special thanks to Crumpler for providing the awesome prizes, and to everyone who helped throughout the weekend, especially; Colin for organising everything. Richard for your help on Saturday making sure court 2 was playable. Neil, Steph and Ben for providing the water, ice, shade/cover, eskies, edging etc. Rob for the 'how to run a kickass polo tournament' advice throughout the weekend. Everyone who helped umpire/time games. Canon for not making me feel too bad when I stuffed up the results and didn't notice you should have come equal first in your bracket. Everyone who came from interstate (especially Prawi for coming all the way from Perth) for trusting us to put on a worthwhile weekend, and everyone else for rocking up and making it a worthwhile weekend :-) Looking forward to an even bigger and better event in May!

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